Hi everybody. I am new to here and have switched from wordpress.com blog to a self-hosted wordpress blog just a week ago. Everything was fine till now until when I checked the RSS feed of my blog. Whenever I try reading my feed, it returns a blank page. I guessed that was because I had no posts. Now after I posted two posts, and checked my RSS, I got something unusual. The post content was there, but also the HTML tags were present. I tried opening the feed in different browsers but some returned a blank page, and some the unnatural output with the HTML tags. I finally tried burning the feed in feedburner, and this was what I got.
The URL does not appear to reference a valid XML file. We encountered the following problem: Error on line 18: The processing instruction target matching “[xX][mM][lL]” is not allowed.
I have found the atom.php file. I am totally confused what to to. Please help. My blog address is
Thanks in advance.